Chairman’s Message | Musculoskeletal Oncology Fellowship | MedStar Health

Chairman's Message—The MedStar Health—Georgetown/Washington Hospital Center Fellowship Program in Musculoskeletal Oncology

Orthopedic oncology is a highly complex, technical, and demanding subspecialty of orthopedic surgery. Success in this field demands analytic skills, a robust knowledge base of surgical techniques, anatomic approaches, pathology, and pathophysiology. Our goal is to offer suitable candidates the opportunity to develop and enhance these skills, enabling graduates to operate independently as academic orthopedic oncologists.

Physicians selected for this program benefit greatly from the high volume of patients and surgical cases, providing the opportunity to focus on the diagnosis and management of patients with these rare tumors. Our focus is on unique and advanced procedures including limb-sparing surgeries for bone and soft-tissue tumors, reconstruction of skeletal defects, cryosurgery, minimally invasive diagnostic biopsies, resections and major amputations of the pelvic and shoulder girdle, and treatment of metastatic cancer to the skeletal system.

Our surgical specialization involves the entire upper and lower extremities, thoracolumbar spine, sacrum, and pelvis. Innovative use of endoprostheses and minimally invasive techniques, including cryosurgery and radiofrequency ablation, are performed regularly.

Our faculty comprises a multidisciplinary team of doctors, including medical oncologist, radiation oncologists, radiologists, and orthopedic oncologists who meet regularly to develop and implement treatment plans individualized for each patient.

Fellows joining our program have the opportunity to benefit from all aspects of the multidisciplinary team, which is centered on providing complete care for patients with complex, and often life- threatening, disease.

Department of Orthopedic Oncology
Washington Cancer Institute
MedStar Washington Hospital Center
110 Irving St. NW
Washington, D.C., 20010

Fellowship Coordinator: Cassandra Garnett

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Application Process

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Salary & benefits

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