Christopher Bonk

Chris Bonk is a research scientist at the MedStar Health National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare. Within this role, Chris works as a UX/UI researcher and subject matter expert in hospital safety and nursing practice for various grants and contracts to increase patient safety both inside and outside the hospital environment. His professional expertise is the integration of medical technology and the assessment of best practices for both patients and medical staff. He also focuses on the design of digital tools/programs for both patient and provider-facing applications. Recent projects include the evaluation of medical devices for procurement by a major hospital system, the design and usability testing of a thumb arthritis treatment and recovery mobile application, and the investigation of electronic health record interactions and functional requirements available for nurses in the clinical setting. Chris holds a Master of Science in Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Maryland School of Nursing. He is a recipient of the Laurence B. Heilprin Award for his paper on health inequities within the homeless population from the University of Maryland. He is a practicing nurse in the field of emergency medicine. Chris enjoys traveling, rock climbing, and designing 3D printing projects.