Robert L. Phillips, Jr. Fellowship Program in Health Policy

Robert L. Phillips, Jr. Fellowship Program in Health Policy

The MedStar Health - Georgetown University Hospital Robert L. Phillips, Jr. Fellowship Program in Health Policy

The Robert Graham Center, MedStar GME Consortium and MedStar Health/Georgetown – Washington Hospital Center Family Medicine Residency Program co-sponsor a one-year fellowship in health policy and faculty development. Fellows work with the Graham Center staff to address health policy research questions of interest, culminating in a project for national dissemination.

For all Fellows, the year begins with exposure to healthcare services research, developing research skills, and participating in all phases of research from conception through dissemination. Some elements of the Fellowship may be tailored to meet the specific interests of the individual.

The Fellow is introduced to various local and national organizations focused on public policy research, planning, and implementation, including health care leaders and community activists. Previous fellows have worked with the Health Resources and Services Agency, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Pan-American Healthcare Organization, and the DC Department of Health (DC Health).

Interested Fellows may also work with congressional staff members, policy think tanks, or professional organizations on writing and promoting health legislation.

Program Goals

  • To help fellows develop skills and knowledge to become clinical leaders in diverse settings of family medicine practice.
  • To prepare fellows for careers in academic medicine through faculty development activities and by teaching medical students and residents.
  • To educate future leaders in the development and promotion of primary care health services research and publications.


Why train here

Bringing the primary care perspective to policy decisions

The Robert Graham Center offers insights on primary care physicians and patients to ensure policy development reflects their unique needs. Insights are offered as reports, presentations and published articles, plus interactive maps, data displays and curriculum.

Our Work

The Robert Graham Center for Policy Studies in Family Medicine and Primary Care exists to improve individual and population health by enhancing the delivery of primary care.

To achieve this vision, the Graham Center:

  • Conducts and publishes research on a range of issues that impacts primary care
  • Disseminates data that enable policy makers to bring family medicine and primary care perspectives to health policy deliberations at the local, state, and international levels
  • Provides analysis on current issues that affect primary care, including payment, workforce, infrastructure, and needs assessment
  • Applies research and geospatial mapping methods to determine trends in the supply, training, distribution, and location of the primary care workforce and other health care resources
  • Establishes partnerships with individuals and institutions in order to conduct and support primary care research and to expand the capacity for such research
  • Tests the impact of policy solutions
  • Grows our primary care economic portfolio



Program Details

Stipend and Benefits:

The annual stipend for the fellowship is a MedStar GME PGY4 salary (approximately $60,000) with 15 days of vacation. The Fellow will receive health and malpractice insurance, hospital admitting privileges, and other attending physician benefits. Support is also available for conferences and travel.


  • Board-certified/eligible family physician
  • Strong interest in health policy
  • U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Relevant experience



Program Overview:

  1. Health Services Research [2 days/wk.]: Work with The Robert Graham Center: Policy Studies in Family Medicine and Primary Care on projects to support policy analysis, research, and publications. Fellows will develop, conduct, and disseminate an original health policy research project.
  2. Patient Care [1-2 days/wk.]: Direct patient care at one of Unity Health Care’s community health centers.
  3. Resident Precepting [.5 day/wk.]: Precept resident physicians at MedStar Medical Group Family Medicine at Fort Lincoln, an outpatient training site of the MedStar Health/Georgetown-Washington Hospital Center Family Medicine Residency Program.
  4. Inpatient Attending [4-6 wks./yr.]: Inpatient teaching attending on the family medicine service at MedStar Washington Hospital Center and/or MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital Center (Adult Medicine).
  5. Medical Student Teaching [0.5 half day/wk.]: Teach small groups of first-year students in the Patients, Populations, and Policy course, a first-year Selective, and in Community-based Service-Learning modules. Lead classes in the third-year Family Medicine Clerkship. Precept third-year students in clinic.
  6. Leadership Development [2 half days/mo.]: Attend personalized leadership development seminars. Topics may include teaching methods, evidence- based medicine, grant writing, publishing, research, advocacy, organization, and careers in academic medicine.
  7. Portfolio Development [1+ submission/wk.]: Compose frequent reflections and synthesis of activities in a formative online professional portfolio.
  8. Conferences [2/yr.]: Attend the annual NAPCRG and other conferences as approved by fellowship director professional development.


Training Locations

  • Georgetown University Medical Center Department of Family Medicine

    The Department of Family Medicine has responsibilities in undergraduate medical education in family medicine, community and preventive medicine, biostatistics, and epidemiology. It also participates in courses in bioethics and community outreach. The residency program draws residents from around the country and is especially noted for its commitment to the underserved.

    Click here, to learn more.

  • Robert Graham Center for Policy Studies in Family Medicine and Primary Care

    The Robert Graham Center was developed by the American Academy of Family Physicians with a combined emphasis on research and advocacy for family medicine and primary care. RGC is “dedicated to improving the health of individuals and populations through enhanced primary care, and it aspires to achieve this goal by informing health policy with evidence from family medicine and primary care.” The Center serves as the national healthcare services research center for AAFP, contributing outstanding research articles, editorials, and one-pagers on timely topics in family medicine and primary care to address and advise clinicians, policy- makers, and other leaders in the field.

  • Unity Health Care, Inc.

    Founded as Health Care for the Homeless in 1985, Unity has grown into a consortium of community health centers and special programs designed to meet the needs of the underserved communities of Washington, D.C. Along with comprehensive primary care, Unity programs include specialty services in HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, mental health, and mobile units for the homeless. Its community-based programs include training lay health educators, case management, and other community-oriented primary care projects. Unity hosts medical students and other health professional students through the Area Health Education Center program.

  • MedStar GME Consortium

    MedStar is the GME sponsor for the fellowship program, and the program sponsor is the MedStar Health/Georgetown-Washington Hospital Center Family Medicine Residency Program.

Application Information

Apply Now:

While applications are considered on a rolling basis, all application materials must be submitted by the applicant, or the letter write by November 15.

To apply, please submit the following application documents to the Fellowship Director, Medical Director of The Robert Graham Center, and Assistant Professor at Georgetown University Family Medicine - Alison Huffstetler, MD and cc: and

  • Letter of Interest
  • CV
  • Three Letters of Recommendation

Please visit The Robert Graham Center for more information about the fellowship.