Othman Abdul-Malak, MD
Othman Abdul Malak

Othman Abdul-Malak, MD, MSC, is a vascular surgeon at MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center. He is also affiliated with MedStar Union Memorial Hospital, MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital, and MedStar Harbor Hospital. Dr. Abdul-Malak performs the full spectrum of vascular surgery procedures and sees patients for conditions such as peripheral arterial disease, aortic aneurysms, carotid disease, and venous disease, among other vascular conditions. 

Dr. Abdul-Malak integrates medical and surgical treatments to create a personalized management plan based on a patient's unique pathology and anatomy. Beyond surgical methods of treatment, he strongly encourages lifestyle and behavior modifications, e.g., supervised exercise therapy and smoking cessation, to optimize individual patient outcomes.

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