11th Annual Auxiliary Golf Tournament Set for Sept. 22

Chip In
MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital is gearing-up for the 11th annual Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament will be held Sept. 22 at Breton Bay Golf Course in Leonardtown. Registration begins at 8 a.m. Tee-off time is 9 a.m. Hosted by the hospital’s Auxiliary, this fun and exciting community event includes a day of golf, prizes and food generously donated by Bear Creek Open Pit BBQ. Each year, event sponsors and participants help fund various enhancements to the non-profit hospital, which have included new state-of-the-art equipment, capital projects, patient and associate improvements and many more.
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum - $5,000
Gold - $2,500
Silver - $1,000
Bronze - $500
Tee - $250
Support of this annual tournament has translated into the following equipment being purchased over the years:
2006 — Portable Ultrasound Machine
2007 — Transport Cardiac Monitors
2008 — Mobile EKG Machine
2009 — Bariatric Stretcher, Pediatric Thermometers and a GlideScope Video Laryngoscopes Machine
2010 — Defibrillator, Trauma Cart and Fluid Warmer
2011 — Upgraded EKG Machine and Portable Blood Pressure Monitors
2013 — SonoSite Machine
2014 — Ergonomic Wheelchair and Stretcher
To learn more, contact Marie (Rees) Hodges McCrossen at rees.mccrossen@gmail.com or 610-952-1641.
Visit MedStarStMarys.org/Golf for information on becoming a sponsor or to register.
About MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital
MedStar St. Mary's Hospital (MSMH) is a full-service community hospital, delivering state-of-the-art emergency, acute inpatient and outpatient care in Leonardtown, Maryland. Nestled in a waterside community, MedStar St. Mary's provides advanced technology with a dedication to excellence in all services provided. The not-for-profit hospital has been named among the nation’s Top 100 Hospitals™ and is an eight time recipient of the prestigious Delmarva Medicare Excellence Award. In addition, MSMH received the Maryland Performance Excellence award at the Platinum level in 2014 – the highest in the state. Our staff is committed to providing quality and compassionate medical care for all patients by coupling innovation with our outstanding team of Medical Staff members, associates and volunteers.