Working in a steel fabrication shop, Gregory Trotta is no stranger to hard work. But when an elevated PSA level led to a prostate cancer diagnosis , Trotta thought his work and family life would be drastically interrupted.
Then, he was referred to Jayant Uberoi, MD , a prostate cancer specialist at MedStar Franklin Square.
Dr. Uberoi explained Trotta’s options and recommended da Vinci robotic surgery , a non-invasive alternative that requires a very small incision and usually a one-night hospital stay. Trotta was an excellent candidate for da Vinci surgery because of his age and low PSA level.
“I had no ‘real pain’ and minimal blood loss,” Trotta explains. “The surgery didn’t knock me down.”
Trotta was back to work after only two weeks, versus conventional surgery, which usually requires six to eight weeks off work. His fast return to his daily activities and the excellent care he received at MedStar Franklin Square led Trotta to one conclusion: “(da Vinci) was the right choice. I know it.”
Patient Gregory Trotta, who was treated for prostate cancer at MedStar Franklin Square