Benign Liver Lesions | MedStar Health

When you come to us with a liver lesion, we rely on multidisciplinary evaluation in our Liver Mass Clinic to help select the best course of treatment for you. Often, these masses are benign and we only need to monitor them, but others will need to be removed or biopsied to establish a firm diagnosis. Learn more about the conditions we treat.

Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH)

Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) is a type of benign liver tumor. Generally FNH has no significant risk of bleeding or becoming cancerous and requires no treatment. However, its similarity to hepatic adenoma may require additional evaluation to confirm the diagnosis.

Hepatic Adenoma and Adenomatosis

A hepatic adenoma is a rare type of benign liver tumor which has an additional risk of bleeding and becoming cancerous. In cases where multiple tumors are present, this is called adenomatosis. The management of adenomas is becoming increasingly sophisticated. We use molecular subtyping to better select the optimal treatment strategy for each patient. You may also undergo evaluation by our hepatologists to assess the health of the underlying liver. Surgery and, in some cases, transplantation may be an option.

Complex Hepatic Cysts

Cystic lesions of the liver are usually benign findings that do not need further evaluation or treatments, but when they are complex, we need to evaluate for the potential for a premalignant cyst or cystic tumor. Hepatic cysts can require surgery, including resection or surgical drainage of the cyst cavity, called fenestration.


Hemangiomas are the most common benign liver tumor. They are easily diagnosed by imaging and typically do not cause symptoms or require surgical treatment. In some cases, if the hemangioma becomes large or causes symptoms, surgical or nonsurgical procedures can be considered for treatment.