What is a hemorrhagic stroke?
Not all strokes are caused by blood clots that block an artery. Nearly 10 percent of strokes happen when a blood vessel ruptures in or near the brain. This is called a hemorrhagic (hem-o-RAYG-ik) stroke.Types of hemorrhagic strokes
There are two kinds of hemorrhagic stroke. In both, a blood vessel ruptures, disrupting blood flow to part of the brain.
Subarachnoid (sub-ah-RAK-noid) hemorrhage
Occurs when a blood vessel on the surface of the brain ruptures and bleeds into the space between the brain and the skull.
A ruptured aneurysm, often caused by high blood pressure, is the most common cause. An aneurysm is a blood-filled pouch that balloons out from an artery wall.
Intracerebral hemorrhage
Occurs when a blood vessel bleeds into the tissue deep within the brain.
Chronically high blood pressure or aging blood vessels are the main causes of this type of stroke.
How are hemorrhagic strokes treated?
Hemorrhages may be life-threatening, hospital care may need to be in an intensive care unit. Surgery may be needed, depending on the cause of the hemorrhage. For example, a procedure or surgery could be performed to repair an aneurysm or remove a blood clot.
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