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Organized by the Department of Continuing Professional Education, MedStar Health is offering a variety of CE conferences this spring that provide an opportunity to gain knowledge of new treatments and techniques and network with leaders in the field through interactive case studies and presentations. MedStar associates may earn CE credits and discounted registration is available. For more information and to stay up to date, please visit
Spring 2021
Diabetic Limb Salvage (DLS 2021)
April 7 to 10 – An Interactive Virtual Experience
Conference Chairman: Christopher Attinger, MD; John Steinberg, DPM
Course Directors: Cameron M. Akbari, MD; Karen Kim Evans, MD; J.P. Hong, MD, PhD
MedStar Associates may attend complimentary using code: DLSMS
Update on Diabetes XLIII
April 15, 2021
A Virtual Conference
Course Directors: Issam E. Cheikh, MD; Paul A. Sack, MD
Registration Opening Soon!
Abdominal Wall Reconstruction (AWR 2021)
June 9 to 12 – A Dynamic Virtual Conference with Expert Faculty
Conference Chair: Parag Bhanot, MD
Course Directors: Karen Kim Evans, MD; William W. Hope, MD; Jeffrey E. Janis, MD
MedStar Associates may attend for $100 using code: AWRMS
40th Annual Cherry Blossom Seminar: An Update on Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty and Sports Medicine
April 23 to 24, 2021
A Virtual Conference
Course Chairman: M. Mike Malek, MD
Course Co-Chairmen: Jeffrey S. Abrams, MD; Steven J. Svoboda, MD, Colonel (retired), US Army
Esophageal Cancer Conference
April 24, 2021
A Virtual Conference
Course Directors: Puja G. Khaitan, MD; Shervin Shafa, MD
Frontline: Cardiovascular Care in the Community
May 1, 2021
A Virtual Conference
Course Directors: Carolina I. Valdiviezo, MD; Allen J. Taylor, MD; Sriram Padmanabhan, MD
Course Co-Director: James C. Welsh, MD, MBA, MPH
Advances in the Management of Prostate, Kidney, and Bladder Cancers
June 18 to 19, 2021
Virtual Education
Course Directors: Michael B. Atkins, MD; Keith J. Kowalczyk, MD;
Ross E. Krasnow, MD, MPH; Young Kwok, MD; Paul D. Leger, MD, MPH;
George K. Philips, MBBS, MD, MPH; Suthee Rapisuwon, MD
3rd Annual MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute Symposium
September 18 | A Virtual Conference
Conference Chair: Thomas M. Fishbein, MD
Course Directors: Matthew Cooper, MD; Alexander J. Gilbert, MD; Stuart S. Kaufman, MD; Rohit S. Satoskar, MD
8th Annual Gastric and Soft Tissue Neoplasms
September 25 | A Virtual Conference
Course Directors: Waddah B. Al-Refaie, MD, FACS; Nadim Haddad, MD; Dennis A. Priebat, MD, FACP; Mark A. Steves, MD, FACS
MedStar Associates use promotion code GSMG for complimentary registration!
4th Annual MedStar Heart Failure Summit
October 23 | A Virtual Conference
Course Directors: Samer S. Najjar, MD; Mark R. Hofmeyer, MD
13th Biennial Thyroid Update: New Concepts in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Disease
December 3 | A Virtual Meeting
Course Directors: Kenneth D. Burman, MD; Jason A. Wexler, MD
BC3 | Breast Cancer Coordinated Care: An Interdisciplinary Conference
February 24 to 26, 2022
JW Marriott, Washington, D.C.,
Course Directors: Kenneth L. Fan, MD; Ian T. Greenwalt, MD; David H. Song, MD, MBA, FACS
Diabetic Limb Salvage (DLS) 2022
April 7 to 9, 2022
A Hybrid Conference |JW Marriott and Online
Conference Chairmen: Christopher E. Attinger, MD; John S. Steinberg, DPM
Course Directors: Cameron M. Akbari, MD; Karen Kim Evans, MD; JP Hong, MD, PhD
Abdominal Wall Reconstruction (AWR) 2022
June 2022 | A Dynamic Virtual Conference with Expert Faculty
Conference Chairman: Parag Bhanot, MD
Course Directors: Karen Kim Evans, MD; William W. Hope, MD; Jeffrey E. Janis, MD
For more information and to stay up to date, please visit