Health Equity Research: MedStar Health Investigator to Lead Data Science Training Core to Advance Health Equity and Diversity with a $15M Grant from NIH.

Health Equity Research: MedStar Health Investigator to Lead Data Science Training Core to Advance Health Equity and Diversity with a $15M Grant From NIH.

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A young woman looks at a laptop while leaning on a glass wall next to a room filled with computer equipment.

Nawar Shara

MedStar Health Research Institute is pleased to announce Nawar Shara,  PhD, Director for the Center of Biostatistics, Informatics and Data Science (CBIDS), Associate Professor of Medicine, Georgetown University, Director BERD-CTSA (Georgetown-Howard) and Co-Director of BI-CTSA (Georgetown-Howard) as the site primary investigator of the data science training core for the Coordinating Center for the Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Research Diversity (AIM-AHEAD) program. This project is a new two-year, $15 million dollar award funded by the National Institute of Health.

The AIM-AHEAD Coordinating Center’s initial charge will be to build a consortium of partners and engage with stakeholders. The two-year planning, assessment and capacity building award will identify priority research aims in health equity, artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as the necessary training and infrastructure.

The AIM-AHEAD Coordinating Center (A-CC) will consist of 4 Cores:

  • Administration/Leadership Core - Lead, recruit, and coordinate the AIM-AHEAD Consortium
  • Data Science Training Core - Assess, develop, and implement data science training curriculum
  • Data and Research Core - Address research priorities and needs to form an inclusive basis for AI/ML
  • Infrastructure Core - Assess data, computing, and software infrastructure to facilitate AI/ML and health disparities research
It’s expected that application-based learning opportunities with large scale data will be an important aspect of training and workforce development. The Data Science Training Core therefore will work closely with other team efforts to develop or leverage platforms to access AI/ML-ready data. The consortium also includes members from the University of North Texas Health Sciences Center in Fort Worth; Vanderbilt University Medical Center; the University of Houston; the University of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Center; the University of California, Los Angeles; Morehouse School of Medicine; Johns Hopkins University; Howard University; the National Alliance Against Disparities in Patient Health; Harvard Medical School and Oregon Community Health Information Network (OCHIN).

Learn more here.

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