October Peer-Reviewed Publications from MedStar Health 2017

October Peer-Reviewed Publications From MedStar Health 2017

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Congratulations to all MedStar researchers who had articles published in October 2017. The selected articles and link to PubMed provided below represent the body of work completed by MedStar Health investigators, physicians, and associates and published in peer-reviewed journals last month. The list is compiled from PubMed for any author using “MedStar” in the author affiliation. Congratulations to this month’s authors. We look forward to seeing your future research.

View the full list of publications on PubMed.gov here.

Selected research:

  1. Design and Evaluation of a Low-Cost Speculum Examination Training Model.
    Simulation in Healthcare Journal, October 2017. DOI: 1097/SIH.0000000000000252
    Benson JE, Hillebrand AM, Auguste T
  2. Outcomes After Operative and Nonoperative Treatment of Proximal Hamstring Avulsions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
    American Journal of Sports Medicine, October 2017. DOI: 1177/0363546517732526
    Bodendorfer BM, Curley AJ, Kotler JA, Ryan JM, Jejurikar NS, Kumar A, Postma WF
  3. Assessing the National Cancer Institute's SmokefreeMOM Text-Messaging Program for Pregnant Smokers: Pilot Randomized Trial.
    Journal of Medical Internet Research, October 2017. DOI: 2196/jmir.8411
    Abroms LC, Chiang S, Macherelli L, Leavitt L, Montgomery M
  4. Transgender Youth Fertility Attitudes Questionnaire: Measure Development in Nonautistic and Autistic Transgender Youth and Their Parents.
    Journal of Adolescent Health, October 2017. DOI: 1016/j.jadohealth.2017.07.022
    Strang JF, Jarin J, Call D, Clark B, Wallace GL, Anthony LG, Kenworthy L, Gomez-Lobo V
  5. Analysis of factor XIa, factor IXa and tissue factor activity in burn patients.
    Burns, October 2017. DOI: 1016/j.burns.2017.08.003
    Shupp JW, Prior SM, Jo DY, Moffatt LT, Mann KG, Butenas S
  6. Influence of pharmaceutical marketing on Medicare prescriptions in the District of Columbia.
    PLoS One, October 2017. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0186060
    Wood SF, Podrasky J, McMonagle MA, Raveendran J, Bysshe T, Hogenmiller A, Fugh-Berman A

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