At MedStar Washington Hospital Center, we strive to accommodate all patients and visitors by providing meaningful services so they can access the assistance they need.
Resources for patients with disabilities
We have instituted a number of provisions to help our patients and visitors with disabilities.
For our patients and visitors using D.C. Metro, we provide free transportation to the hospital from the following metro stops:
Columbia Heights Metro (Green Line)
Brookland Metro (Red Line)
All our shuttle buses are ADA accessible and operate from Monday to Friday.
All vehicles with disability tags will be provided valet parking services at no additional cost beyond the standard parking rates. For more information, please view the parking and parking rates.
Hearing impaired services
We provide in-person, certified sign language interpreters for our inpatients during their physicians’ rounds and therapy sessions at no cost to the patient. Please make sure our staff is aware before your admission that you will need an interpreter while you’re here.
Sign language interpretive services are available in many areas of the hospital via the computer.
All inpatient rooms and waiting areas are equipped with closed-captioned TVs. Please ask our staff to activate this feature when required.
Several other communication assistance devices are available upon request. These include TTY/TDD devices, amplified telephone handsets, assistive listening devices, and call bells.
For more information, please contact the patient advocacy department at 202-877-4YOU (4968).
Foreign language interpreters
MedStar Washington Hospital Center recognizes that all patients and those involved in their care are entitled to receive clear, complete healthcare information and answers to their questions in their preferred language.
That’s why we provide medically certified/qualified interpreters 24/7 via in-person, telephone, or video services.
Inpatient scheduling
Ask our staff to contact the language services department to arrange for interpreter services.
Outpatient scheduling
In-person interpreters can be scheduled by emailing SpanishWHC@MedStar.net (for all non-English speaking patients) or ASLWHC@MedStar.net (for deaf or hard of hearing patients).
Spiritual care

The spiritual care department represents a variety of faith traditions and aims to provide special events and services that observe the importance of spirituality and faith in healing. A chaplain is available 24 hours a day to provide spiritual and emotional support to you and your family on request.
Also, the Spiritual Care Department has a strong record of accreditation from the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE), Inc. to offer Level I, Level II, and Certified Educator Candidate (CEC) training. ACPE, Inc. is an accredited agency recognized by the United States Department of Education offering Clinical Pastoral Education.
Click here to learn more about Spiritual Care and Clinical Pastoral Care Education at MedStar Washington Hospital Center.
The Not Alone Transition Companion Program
Home health care
MedStar Health Home Care can ease your transition from hospital to home.
We work with you and your doctor to develop an individualized care plan. We then put together a home care team of skilled professionals who work with you and your family to understand your condition, determine how many visits and what types of services you need, and then provide your care in the comfort of your home.
If you need home care and live in Maryland, Washington, D.C., or Northern Virginia, call us at 1-800-862-2166 to arrange for home care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Medical records
All patient healthcare information at MedStar Washington Hospital Center is confidential. Therefore, medical records can be released only with the authorization of the patient or the patient's legally authorized representative (unless authorized by law).
Submitting a written authorization
Requests for the release of medical records must be submitted in writing through the use of an authorization form, Forms must be dated and signed by the patient or the patient's legally authorized representative. In the case of a minor, the parent or guardian must sign the authorization.
To submit a written authorization for the release of medical information from MedStar Washington Hospital Center, mail the completed authorization to:
MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Health Information Management Department
Medical Correspondence Section
110 Irving St., NW, Room 2A-39
Washington, D.C., 20010
Email requests or authorizations will not be accepted.
Emergency requests
If you have an emergency request for medical information for continuing patient care, fax the completed authorization to 202-877-5496.
Special requests
When requesting copies of medical records or medical information of the types below, contact the treatment area, office, or department where you received your care.
Outpatient burn treatment—Burn Center
Outpatient cardiology care—Cardiology Department
Eye clinic—Ophthalmology Department
Private physician office visit in the hospital or in the Physicians' Office Building (POB)—individual physician office
Radiology films—Radiology Department
Transplant clinic—Transplant Department
Washington Continence Center office visit or office procedure—Washington Continence Center
Requesting medical records online
You may also request your hospital medical records through the myMedStar patient portal.
Current patients
You can use the portal to securely email your MedStar Health physician, request prescription renewals, make appointments, request hospital medical records, and get referrals.
New patients
Register to get started with myMedStar.
For more information, contact us at (202) 877-7181.
Safety and quality concerns
MedStar Washington Hospital Center is committed to providing patients the highest quality and safest care. If you have a quality or patient safety concern, please contact your physician, head nurse, or another member of your healthcare team who will work with you to resolve your concern.
If staff cannot help you, please call a patient advocate at 202-877-4YOU (4968).
If your concern cannot be resolved at this level, you may file a complaint with the Joint Commission:*
Web and click on "Report a Safety Concern"
Email: complaint@jcaho.org
Fax: Office of Quality Monitoring at 630-792-5636
Mail: Office of Quality Monitoring, Joint Commission, One Renaissance Boulevard, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
For questions: 800-994-6610
on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Central Time.
*The Joint Commission does not address individual billing issues, payment disputes, labor relations issues, or individual clinical management of patients.
Join our Patient Family Advisory Council for Quality Safety
Being a provider of health care in our community for generations, MedStar Washington Hospital Center greatly appreciates hearing from you—the patients and families who rely on us to provide safe, high-quality health care.
The Patient and Family Advisory Council for Quality and Safety (PFACQS) council is intended to create a partnership and foster open communication about what works well for you and what could work better. Please take a moment to read more and consider joining our council.
Community members
Click here to submit an application.
For additional questions, please email us at MWHC-PFACQS@medstar.net.
For more information, learn about the MedStar Institute for Quality and Safety.