Endocrinology and Metabolism Fellowship | Washington D.C. | MedStar Health

The MedStar Health—Georgetown University Hospital Fellowship Program in Endocrinology

The MedStar Georgetown University Hospital and MedStar Washington Hospital Center Endocrinology and Metabolism Fellowship is a combined program between MedStar Georgetown University Hospital and MedStar Washington Hospital Center. This is a two-year program with an optional possible third research year that fulfills the requirements for subspecialty certification set forth by the American Board of Internal Medicine.

During the first year of fellowship training, the fellows see in-patient consultations on the clinical wards and care for outpatients in the Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital and at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. Fellows also rotate for six weeks through the Inter-Institute Endocrinology Fellowship Training Program of the National Institutes of Health and rotate for two to four weeks in Pediatric Endocrinology with the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.


Clinic sessions and research

The fellows attend two or three half-day clinic sessions per week during the first year and continue to see outpatients on a longitudinal basis during the second year.

During the first year, each trainee begins a clinical research project under the direction of the full-time staff. Substantial additional time is available in the second year for basic and/or clinical research projects. A third year is potentially available for trainees interested in more intensive research exposure, but this depends on the availability of funding in specific laboratories.

Candidates for the Fellowship Program must have satisfied all requirements for certification by the American Board of Internal Medicine.

Program structure

  • First Year


    • Consult Service: 4 months at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital and 4 months at MedStar Washington Hospital Center
    • NIH Ward: 6 weeks


    • Continuity and Endocrine Clinics: 3-4 half-day sessions / week
    • Research: Approximately 2 months
    • Vacation: 3 weeks
  • Second Year


    • Consult Service: 2 months at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital and 2 months at MedStar Washington Hospital Center


    • Continuity and Endocrine Clinics: 2-3 half-day sessions per week
    • Reproductive Endocrine Clinic: Optional rotation
    • Lipid Clinic: One session weekly for 4 weeks
    • Pediatric Endocrine Clinic: 2-4 weeks at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
    • Rotation in Pituitary Center, Medstar Washington Hospital Center, weekly for 2-4 weeks
    • Rotation in performing thyroid Fne Needle Aspirations, weekly for 2-4 weeks
    • Research: 6-7 months
    • Vacation: 3 weeks
  • Third Year


    • Continuity and Endocrine Clinics: 1-2 half-day sessions per week
    • Research: 11 months
    • Vacation: 4 weeks


MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

  • Endocrine Grand Rounds – Weekly (twice monthly as a combined conference with MedStar Washington Hospital Center) nuclear medicine, cytopathology, bone, parathyroid, and pituitary conferences on other weeks
  • Inpatient and Outpatient Clinical Conferences – Weekly
  • Journal Club – Every other week
  • Medicine Grand Rounds – Weekly
  • Medicine Morbidity and Mortality Conferences – Monthly
  • GHUCCTS Research Conference – Monthly

    • Board Review, weekly
    • Bone Mineral Density and Bone Health Review, every 2-3 months

MedStar Washington Hospital Center

  • Endocrine Grand Rounds – Weekly (twice monthly as a combined conference with Georgetown University Hospital)
  • Journal Club – Every 2 weeks (Combined conference with VA, GWUMC)
  • Thyroid Conference – Weekly
  • Clinical Case Presentation once monthly
  • Internal Medicine Grand Rounds – Weekly
  • GHUCCTS Research Conference – Monthly
  • Neuroendocrine Pituitary Conference – Every 3 months

Application information

Interested in applying?

Contact us

For additional information on the MedStar Georgetown Endocrinology and Metabolism Fellowship Program, please contact:

Erik Ross
