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February 12, 2025
By MedStar Team
It’s normal to see some veins under the surface of your skin, especially if you have a fairer complexion. But if you have veins that are more noticeable or bothersome, you may have signs of varicose ...
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March 28, 2017
We care for about 3,500 pregnant women every year. While that number has remained fairly steady over the past decade, the number of those women with high-risk pregnancies increases every year. Becau...
March 23, 2017
As recently as 15 years ago, if you had severe aortic stenosis but were considered too ill or weak to survive surgery, there was little else we could do for you. Since then, transcatheter aortic valv...
March 14, 2017
Atrial Fibrillation Facts Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) is the most common arrhythmia—or abnormal heart rhythm—in the United States today, affecting between 2.7 and 6 million adults. Why such a wide ran...
March 07, 2017
Since the 1970s, heart specialists have diagnosed and even treated certain conditions through cardiac catheterization—the process of threading a thin tube through an artery to reach the heart and its ...
March 03, 2017
By MedStar Health Research Institute
For the fifth year, the MHRI Wellness Committee invited associates to wear red in support of the American Heart Association’s (AHA) fight against heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cau...
February 23, 2017Did you take your medication today? 5 tips to help you stick to your medication regimen.