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March 04, 2021
Regional cancer program provides increased access to medical expertise, innovative treatments, and research to Leonardtown and surrounding communities Leonardtown, MD — MedStar St. Mary&rs...
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November 07, 2017
When Diane Haderly’s cancer returned, she chose not to undergo treatment to extend her life, but instead wanted to spend her last few months traveling and enjoying life with her husband, John. Upon re...
August 15, 2017Dr. Maen Farha is the first and only physician in the state to offer patients electromagnetic wave technology to locate and remove breast lumps that are not detectable by touch.
June 02, 2017
Free Event Celebrates Cancer Survivors, Family Members, Caregivers Leonardtown, Maryland (May 31, 2017) – MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital will hold a community picnic in conjunction with National Cancer S...
May 12, 2017
The new High-Risk Assessment and Cancer Prevention Clinic is dedicated to identifying and caring for individuals who have an increased risk of cancer due to family history, medical and genetic factors...
April 13, 2017
Negativing Breast Health Christine Taylor, RN, CN-BN, and Cheryl Pauley, RN, CN-BN, have a message for women who are told their mammogram results are abnormal – there is hope. &ldquo...
April 12, 2017
Expanded Services Mean More than Convenience in the Heart of Harford Bel Air, MD—(April 12, 2017)— Last spring, over 600 Harford County residents attended the community open house at the MedStar Healt...