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August 28, 2024
Gives Food-Insecure Families a Produce Prescription To Redeem at 50+ Area Farmers Markets WASHINGTON — FRESHFARM and MedStar Georgetown University Hospital are thrilled to announce the Augu...
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July 27, 2020
The only hospital in Washington, D.C. recognized for excellence in maternity care WASHINGTON — MedStar Georgetown University Hospital has been nationally recognized as one of the Best Maternity Care H...
July 06, 2020
Study data may explain why COVID-19 patients with clinically recognized predisposing factors like obesity, diabetes, liver, kidney and heart disease have more severe disease WASHINGTON –A study ...
July 01, 2020
New safety protocol allowed all transplants and related services to continue uninterrupted. WASHINGTON, D.C. — During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute...
June 24, 2020
The only hospital in the Washington Metropolitan Area, and one of approximately 21 hospitals in the country with five or more Beacon Award Units Washington, D.C. – The American Association of Cr...
June 15, 2020
Patients 80% less likely to experience urinary incontinence 12 months following surgery Washington, D.C. — Retzius-sparing robotic prostatectomy, an innovative surgical approach to treat men wit...
June 11, 2020
WASHINGTON – The Division of Community Pediatrics, committed to delivering quality clinical services and programming to the most vulnerable children and families in Washington, D.C., amplified i...