Total Knee Revision Surgery | MedStar Health

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At MedStar Health, we offer some of the most advanced surgical procedures available in the D.C. and Baltimore region, including total knee revision surgery. MedStar Health uses state-of-the-art techniques that encourage a safe and successful recovery. Our surgeons are all fellowship-trained and have extensive experience treating the full range of knee conditions, from the simplest to the most complex knee revision cases. Our hospital network provides tertiary care, giving you access to a broad range of support systems that can address any need that may arise during or after your procedure.

What is total knee revision?

Knee replacements may last your entire life. In some cases, however, people develop problems with their replacements. These problems can stem from various factors, including normal wear and tear, a fracture, an infection, or unexplained pain or stiffness. Knee revision surgery corrects these problems by replacing the damaged knee implant with a healthy new one. At MedStar Health, we offer advanced approaches and can provide same-day joint care as well as complex joint revision.

Why is total knee revision surgery performed?

You may be a good candidate if your original knee replacement:

  • Loosens

  • Breaks

  • Wears out over time

  • Becomes infected

  • Dislocates

  • Causes severe pain

What does knee revision involve?

Surgery involves our experienced orthopedic surgeons reconstructing your knee after it shows signs of wearing, causes you pain, becomes infected, or has another severe issue. During the procedure, any loose, damaged, or infected portions of the original artificial knee replacement are removed and replaced with a new implant. At MedStar Health, we also provide our patients access to a vast support network to address any needs you may have during your procedure or recovery.

Knee replacement infections

If a knee replacement becomes infected, the health of the knee and leg, and your overall health, become an immediate concern. Not all orthopedic specialists are trained to manage and treat infected total joints. At MedStar Health, our specialists appropriately manage and aggressively treat infections. This often requires removal of the total joint implant and a course of antibiotics, followed by revision joint replacement. This approach is critical for removing the bacteria from your system and maximizing your overall health and outcome.

What does recovery involve?

During recovery, your doctor will work with you to create a personalized recovery plan that meets your needs. The plan will begin during your hospital stay and will continue until you are fully recovered. Usually, physical therapy and strength exercises are used in conjunction with educating you about your new knee. The full recovery process will take time, similar to your original knee replacement procedure. It requires your participation to ensure a full and successful recovery.

In addition, MedStar Health will pair you with a personal Patient Care Coordinator (PaCC), who will be your guide throughout your recovery. Your PaCC will assist with:

  • Providing patient and family education

  • Managing your transitions to each level of care

  • Ensuring a safe discharge plan that meets all of your medical needs and preferences

What are the benefits?

Our goal is for you to experience the following benefits after surgery:

  • Pain relief

  • Restored range of motion

  • Improved knee strength

  • Ability to bear weight on the leg for longer periods of time

  • Ability to return to normal activities

  • Access to a multidisciplinary network of physicians

  • High-quality care for simple and complex joint conditions

Relief from joint pain starts here

Don’t let knee pain stop you from living your best life. Take our free assessment below to learn about your treatment options.