MedStar Health knee specialists offer sophisticated pain management to limit pain caused by surgery, as well as the most advanced physical therapy treatment to build back your strength and range of motion. No matter how simple or complex your knee condition, the experienced orthopedic knee surgeons at MedStar Health will offer you a successful solution.
Arthritis of the knee
Arthritis is an inflammation of the tissues that cushion the joints where your bones meet. This inflammation can cause pain, swelling, and joint damage. Your knee joints are especially vulnerable to arthritis, which includes:
Osteoarthritis: The natural aging process can wear away at the cartilage between the bones at joints, causing inflammation and pain. It commonly affects knees
Post-traumatic arthritis: This form of osteoarthritis develops after you experience an injury to the knee. It can develop years after your injury occurs
Rheumatoid arthritis: This immune system dysfunction attacks and wears away at the cartilage lining between the bones in your joints. You generally experience rheumatoid arthritis on both sides of your body, so it would affect both knees
Advanced arthritis in the knee can make it difficult to walk and perform many other basic daily activities. Knee replacement surgery can provide relief from arthritis symptoms, and the expert orthopedic knee replacement surgeons at MedStar Health offer a wide range of advanced treatment and surgical options for all types of advanced knee arthritis.
Knee arthritis symptoms generally include:
Stiffness and swelling in knee area
Difficulty moving the knee
Knee feels weak and painful
Knee feels unstable, as if it might give way
Difficulty walking
Relief from joint pain starts here
Don’t let knee pain stop you from living your best life. Take our free assessment below to learn about your treatment options.
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