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October 23, 2023
From improving healing to maximizing mobility after amputation, MedStar Health Research Institute’s limb salvage line focuses on helping patients regain and retain mobility after a diabetic foo...
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October 18, 2016
By Leslie Whitlinger Lakita Thomas, of Washington, D.C., is much more accustomed to providing care than receiving it. After all, she has four kids and two grandkids. But after a month of heavy bleedin...
October 18, 2016
By Leslie Whitlinger At a standstill in bumper-to-bumper Beltway traffic, now-57-year-old Gary Silverman watched his rear view mirror in horror. A car going 60 miles per hour was about to barrel i...
October 18, 2016
By Patrick ZicklerAustin Thomas is young and fit and has always been careful about what she eats. She earned a master’s degree in nutrition in part to understand the digestive problems that had bother...
October 06, 2016
When men are diagnosed with prostate cancer, their first question is usually, “Can it be cured?” Often, their second question is, “What are my treatment options?” Fortunately, research, diagnosis and ...
September 27, 2016
After the initial shock of finding out that you have prostate cancer, you will probably think of multiple questions for the surgeon. A question we are frequently asked is whether surgery is the only c...
September 15, 2016
If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, surgery might be the best treatment for you, especially in younger men less than 65 years old who have higher risk disease and overall good health. But...