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October 23, 2023
From improving healing to maximizing mobility after amputation, MedStar Health Research Institute’s limb salvage line focuses on helping patients regain and retain mobility after a diabetic foo...
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September 13, 2016
Hearing a cancer diagnosis can bring on a flood of conflicting emotions. Shock, numbness, anger and confusion about your next steps. There are more than 14 million new diagnoses each year, and many pa...
September 08, 2016
Prior to his diagnosis, Steve L. was a man who lived life to the fullest. He loved his family, as well as his successful career as an IT specialist; he also enjoyed a healthy, active lifestyle. That a...
September 01, 2016
Sarcomas are rare, only accounting for 1 percent of cancers diagnosed in adults. That means that many people don't learn about these cancerous tumors of the connective tissue unless they or a loved on...
August 23, 2016
While the causes were historically considered to be smoking-related, throat and mouth cancers are increasingly being attributed to the Human Papilloma Virus. Here is what you need to know about the li...
August 12, 2016
Have you been diagnosed with melanoma? If so, there is some good news. Since 2011, melanoma went from being one of the most lethal cancers to one of the most curable cancers in the United States...
August 12, 2016
The 2 Main Types of Non-melanoma Skin CancerMelanoma is the leading cause of death among skin cancer types, so it's understandable that it has become a major focus of the healthcare community. Non-mel...