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October 23, 2023
From improving healing to maximizing mobility after amputation, MedStar Health Research Institute’s limb salvage line focuses on helping patients regain and retain mobility after a diabetic foo...
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June 21, 2016The President's Award has been presented to
May 25, 2016
By Heidi Rosvold-Brenholtz Sixty-nine-year-old Jeff Ferrill of Alexandria, Va., can swallow and eat comfortably again, after nearly three years of appointments to treat a rare and complicated gastroi...
May 25, 2016
By Jennifer Davis Elbow injuries tend to happen to active people, and 83-year-old Richard Wright of Montgomery Village, Md., certainly fits that profile. The avid cyclist was out for a ride in the wo...
May 16, 2016
The Region’s Busiest Level I Trauma CenterIn the heart of the nation’s capital, MedStar Washington Hospital Center’s Level I Trauma Center has responded to thousands of medical crises, including treat...
April 14, 2016While happy with the numbers on the scale, bariatric surgery patients often are dismayed when they look at themselves in the mirror.
February 15, 2016A recent study found that a less invasive approach to total hip replacement—anterior hip replacement—performs just as well as traditional surgery.