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October 23, 2023
From improving healing to maximizing mobility after amputation, MedStar Health Research Institute’s limb salvage line focuses on helping patients regain and retain mobility after a diabetic foo...
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December 11, 2017
When you see the words “plastic surgery,” your first thought probably doesn’t involve the eyes. Or you may think about cosmetic procedures to remove wrinkles or bags under the eyes.I’m an oculoplastic...
December 03, 2017MG-SORC Research Finds Unexpected Results on Medicaid Expansion and Reduction of Disparity in Access
By MedStar Health Research Institute
The research team from the MedStar-Georgetown Surgical Outcomes Research Center (MG-SORC) recently published their findings on mixed effects on pre-ACA Medicaid expansion on access to surgical cancer ...
November 21, 2017
You’re out to lunch with a group of friends when you feel that urge again—you have to go to the bathroom right now. It doesn’t matter that you just went a half-hour ago. You can’t hold it. You excuse ...
November 14, 2017
While bladder cancer doesn’t get as much press as colon or lung cancer, it’s the fourth-most common type of cancer among men. I see about 10 to 20 new patients each month who are dia...
November 13, 2017
For many people, a blister or ingrown toenail would be a minor nuisance, painful for a few days, but then it would heal and disappear. But for people with diabetes, common foot problems can become ser...
October 23, 2017
In most of the podiatric, or foot care, patients I see, families are very supportive, and I love that. Painful foot conditions such as bunions often affect the patient’s mobility, quality ...