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February 04, 2025
MedStar Health was the first in the nation to enroll a patient in this multicenter trial of a new device to treat in-stent thrombosis. In rare cases, a stent placed in a vein can develop a blood cl...
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July 05, 2021
By MedStar Health Research Institute
The first virtual MedStar Health Teaching and Research Scholars Capstone program was held on Thursday, May 20th to celebrate education, innovation, and scholarship from our Teaching & Research Sch...
June 05, 2021
By MedStar Team
As an academic healthcare system, we have a large number of trainees (including students, residents and fellows) as part of our internal teams and research population. In addition, MedStar Health incl...
June 05, 2021
By MedStar Health Research Institute
Each year, MedStar Health associates have the opportunity to win a John L. Green Generation of Leadership Scholarship. The scholarship is for five MedStar Health associates, each equaling up to $3,500...
May 02, 2021
By MedStar Team
Don’t forget to register for the MedStar Health—Georgetown University Research Symposium and the Colloquium for Educators in the Health Professions, taking place NEXT WEEK: Monday, May 10,...
May 02, 2021
By MedStar Health Research Institute
Congratulations to all MedStar researchers who had articles published in April 2021. The selected articles and link to PubMed provided below represent the body of work completed by MedStar Health inv...
May 02, 2021
By MedStar Health Research Institute
Collaborative research from MedStar Diabetes Institute, MedStar Health Research Institute, and the Georgetown University Department of Psychiatry examined the feasibility of co-delivering a mental he...