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October 14, 2024
Department of Defense-funded research now underway could help solve the problem of recurrent urinary tract infections in people with spinal cord injuries. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is amon...
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July 07, 2020
Kidney (renal) cancer is on the rise. In Washington, D.C. alone, 100 to 150 people a year are expected to be diagnosed with this disease. That number doesn’t include potential new cases in our ...
July 04, 2020
By MedStar Team
Congratulations to all MedStar researchers who had articles published in June 2020. The selected articles and link to PubMed provided below represent the body of work completed by MedStar Health inves...
June 07, 2020
By MedStar Team
Recently published research evaluated lung ultrasound findings in patients admitted to the internal medicine ward with COVID-19. “Point-of-Care Lung Ultrasound Findings in Patients with Novel Co...
June 03, 2020
While COVID-19 may be the health concern at the top of everyone’s mind, other illnesses and medical needs still require timely attention. That’s why our primary care teams have worked hard...
May 14, 2020
In this country and around the world, we are seeing a variety of abnormal skin conditions in patients infected with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). It’s too early to determine if these skin issue...
May 13, 2020
Many people unfortunately wait until they’re sick to find a doctor. Delaying preventative care or avoiding the doctor’s office altogether; however, may set you up for some unexpected heal...